
  • Undergraduates
  • Graduates

Elective Major

SemesterCourse TitleNumber / Credits
(English) Organic Chemistry I

This class is an introduction to the classification, structure, reactions, and reaction mechanisms of carbon compounds. The class is set up so that, upon completion, students will understand the different characteristics of carbon compounds, including their classification, structure, nomenclature, reactions, reaction mechanisms, and synthesis. Some examples are halocarbons, alkenes, and alcohols. This course will provide a solid foundation in organic chemistry and the fundamentals essential for the subsequent study of biochemistry, molecular biology, and materials applications of polymers.

NCS201 /

Required Major

SemesterCourse TitleNumber / Credits
(English) Interdisciplinary Project

This course is joined with other tracks for completing a term project through collaboration. Students are required to conceive a novel idea, which will be realized by designing and fabricating a product by using the best knowledge acquired at the undergraduate level. Lastly, students will present their work in public for evaluation.

BEN490 /
(English) Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory

This course will provide the basic concept and hands-on experience of biomedical device. The course will be balanced with lecture and experiment covering the topics such as biological signal measurement, signal processing, and data analysis using LabVIEW programming. Through this course, students will gain the skill how to design, build, and control biomedical device for laboratory research.

BEN413 / 3
(English) Nano-Bioengineering

This course discusses basic knowledge for interdisciplinary research in nanoscience, biology, electronic and mechanical engineering. This course, also, provides hand-on experiences on the modeling, microfabrication and characterization of bio-inspired microelectromechanical systems.

BEN321 /
(English) Chemical Reaction Engineering

This course is designed to provide (1) an understanding of kinetics as it applies to chemical reactions from the microscopic viewpoint and (2) the basis required for designing chemical reactors for controlling chemical reactions.

ACE311 /
(English) Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems

This course introduces the fundamental principles of transport phenomena with the specific examples in medical, biological, and bioengineering applications. This course uniquely integrates biological and engineering concepts to help engineers to establish and critically analyze models of biological transport and reaction processes. It covers topics in fluid mechanics, mass transport and biochemical interactions.

BEN311 /
(English) Analytical Chemistry

The main purpose of the Course is to provide students with a strong theoretical and practical grounding in the principles and practices of analytical chemistry, including classical and instrumental analytical techniques.

NCS211 / 3
(English) Biochemistry Laboratory

Students will be trained with the latest biological sciences techniques through a series of laboratory courses. Each student will actively conduct, perform, record and report on various experiments during the semester. The principles behind each lab technique will be introduced and students will learn how to collect and interpret experimental results by preparing a laboratory report after each class.

BMS261 / 2
(English) Biochemistry I

This course is designed to teach students the various chemical processes occurring within every living organism. Topics discussed will include amino acids and proteins, molecules of heredity, enzymes, bioenergetics, glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation and gluconeogenesis, as well as others. This course will also cover macromolecules, their precursors and biosynthesis, and the chemical, physiological, and genetic regulation of biosynthesis.

BMS211 / 3

Summer/Winter Sessions

SemesterCourse TitleNumber / Credits
(English) Tissue Engineering

This course is designed for both undergraduate and graduate-level students who have the desire for an introductory understanding of tissue engineering (TE) elements involved in Regenerative Medicine (RM). The course aims to attain the following two major objectives: (1) Primary objective: understand and explore the basic engineering and medical principles behind the TE, (2) Secondary objective: Understand the basic non-engineering/ analytic skills necessary for real-world development of the ‘commercializable’ biomedical products. Ethics involved in the RM will be briefly reviewed. Students will gain experiences in real-life research topics and engaged to ‘mock-up’ research activities as well as business (commercialization) development.

BEN435 / 3


Course TitleNumber / Credits
(English) Doctoral Research

This course is related with the students graduate thesis and dissertation. As such, students should be actively working in a laboratory setting and gaining experience through hands-on experimentation.

BEN890 / 3