Adipose-Derived “Endotrophin” May Hold Key to Obesity and Cancer Cure

이미지사진Research Paper Published in Nature Communications(Prof. Jiyoung Park)

The paper titled “Endotrophin triggers adipose tissue fibrosis and metabolic dysfunction” was published in Nature Communications on 19th, March, 2014.

This paper revealed that adipose-derived endotrophin, which is a cleaved peptide from typeVI collagen alpha3 chain, triggers fibrosis, inflammation and insulin resistance in adipose tissues upon diet-induced obesity. Significantly, neutralizing monoclonal antibodies against endotrophin ameliorate the metabolic dysfunctions in adipose tissues in obesity. Hence, endotrophin is a promising therapeutic target for obesity-induced metabolic dysfunctions.

This study was performed by Dr. Jiyoung Park’s group in UNIST (Korea) in collaboration with Dr. Philipp Scherer’s group in UTsouthwestern Medical Center (USA).

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